Hey y’all! Days seem to be both running together and dragging on. I genuinely don’t know how long it has been and Math is for Blockers (comment if you know the reference!). I miss going to the gym- way more than I ever thought I would. I miss being able to go grocery shopping without worrying about the health and safety of myself and my family. However, I am adhering to my local government’s guidance and not going out without a face covering and/or just generally not going out at all. I do still go for a walk every day that it is not raining and it has been raining a ton the last few days.
So, I’ve been coming up with creative ways to entertain myself. I did my makeup a couple of times, I put magnetic sticker paper on my cabinet’s wall and magnets on the back of my MAC eyeshadows and now they’re sticking to the wall.
I have been doing my makeup more often and I tried a new look the other day.
I also found some time to film! (Yay!) and seeing as how I am a total masochist, I started a new YouTube channel to share my other favorite new (or old, depending on how you look at it) hobby: Magic: The Gathering. I filmed my first video about the “Fetchlands” Secret Lair product, which was basically a reaction to the price, YouTuber “Unsleeved Media,” and people on Twitter. I’m really excited about it.
I have been playing- apparently a lot?
I also filmed my next Lululemon haul video, featuring basically everything I got since the last haul! I have not yet edited it. I plan to do so as soon as I have a few free hours! Free hours, however, being difficult to come by, I might not get to it for a few days.
Anyways, in addition to decluttering my makeup and t-shirt drawers, I have been spending most of my time with my baby. She is adorable, in my opinion, of course, and she sort of says “hi,” when people walk in the room. It’s funny. It sound like “ah,” but it is an intentional greeting and the closest she comes to saying anything at all. I can’t wait til she starts talking for real!
I hope y’all are taking care of you & yours. Tell me how you’re doing in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter @LululemonExpert , always happy to have a chat!