So, now that I live in the South, I’ve become accustomed to certain creature comforts. One of these is a lack of snow and a general above zero temperature threshold. No ice- ever. However, once in a while- like maybe once every 5 years, something like today happens and we are officially iced. Schools are closed. Probably some businesses too but I am staying in so I am not checking for them. A friend of ours up the street has their power out. Whenever trees fall or large branches break off, that happens.

Last time this happened I was stuck at home for 3 days. My car does not have snow tires and does not “do” ice. (Well, I am pretty sure it won’t- we never get ice here so I haven’t tried my new-to-me car on the ice at all ever.) I just hope this doesn’t last long. I like being able to go do groceries and get my morning Starbucks. I have no Starbucks and am subsisting on Diet Cherry Coke and Cream of Earl Grey tea from David’s Tea.
Not a whole lot been going on here lately. Father-in-Law got vaccinated because he works in a hospital but my mother-in-law recently retired, so she is not yet vaccinated. We are remaining vigilant. 💪
I am starting my Spring and Easter-related crafts and plan to do another diorama soon! I am already excited! Got some new materials and planning to go shopping for more! I just have so much fun with this stuff. It is something I have always considered myself to be good at- even if I am not. 😆
I am continuing to write. My book has gone from 10K words to 14K in a week. I did 500, then 700, then 1200 one day when she took an epic nap (!) then another 700… etc… I am very proud of myself. One way I have gotten myself to do some extra writing is to tell myself that these things don’t need to be written in the exact order that the book is going to be read. Like I can write chapter 6 even if chapter 3 isn’t done yet and that’s okay. Sometimes I feel like writing about certain things and not about others. Some days I’d rather write about security than SEO. Some days I’d rather be writing a blog post. And that’s okay, as long as I am getting something done. Something is better than nothing!
Keeping track of the little one is harder now that she walks – and she’s pretty fast too! 😂

Anyways, that’s what’s up over here, let me know how your Winter is going in the comments or on Twitter! I am LululemonExpert everywhere.