How it’s going

Hello Internet friends!

I’ve been gone a while. I was moving. I used to move all the time when I was younger, in college, all the time, and it never seemed to be such a big deal- even moving to the States, two thousand miles away didn’t seem like such a big deal logistically- the paperwork on the other hand was a headache and a half but never mind that for now… I just feel like I’ve had so much experience moving that it shouldn’t be such a big deal. But this time, when I even actually had movers helping me, and as much lead time as I needed, it was the most difficult move I’ve ever had.

Seeing everything in boxes never seemed so bad to me, and this time all they are is a reminder of everything that needs to get done. To be fair, there is more than ever. We have my stuff, the baby’s stuff, my husband’s stuff, the dog’s stuff- okay, she doesn’t have that much- and it just seems daunting to go ahead and unpack everything and put it away properly. The layout of this house is so completely different than our last home that, while there is plenty of space, it seems like there is no “place” for everything to be perfectly organized. Now, I know that this is just a cognitive error. Of course, in a house with much more (in fact, double) the square footage of my old house, surely there is a place for everything… I just haven’t made all the decisions as to what goes where yet and I think it’s all those decisions that are causing stress. So, meanwhile, there are boxes everywhere and I am trying to live an organized life in a complex disorganized house. It’s impossible. I just can’t wait until everything is unpacked and has a “home.” Then I can finally feel at home.

This place doesn’t feel like it’s mine. It’s too big. It’s too different. I’ve never had a garage before. First world problems, am i right? The toilet broke and flooded a bunch of the first floor. The irrigation system doesn’t appear to be functional. The contractor hasn’t installed the kitchen sink yet.

At least the baby is adjusting well. In daycare for the first time ever since Covid squashed those plans. Apparently she’s an angel. I’m excited for all the learning she is going to do! Every day they have activities and music and yoga(?) and they learn the letters of the alphabet. It’s great for her, I think. I don’t know how you get 18-month olds to do yoga, but it’s a wonderful tool to have for the future. There have been studies that show the benefits of yoga for kids. They send me pictures of her throughout the day, but never during yoga.. maybe I’ll ask for one.

Here’s a couple photos from daycare:

In the playground at daycare
Doing a puzzle at daycare

Speaking of Yoga: I bought a “Mirror” by Lululemon, so keep an eye out for a full review on my other website. Spoiler alert: I kind of love it, so far.

Let’s take a minute to chat mental health. I have to tell you, I’m not in the best place. I’m better than I was a month ago, as we were preparing to move, but I am still not “there” yet- wherever “There” is, but I’m not where I want to be. I have gone from therapy every two weeks to once a week, but I’m not sure how much it’s helping with my anxiety, So, I booked an appointment with a Psychiatrist group and I hope that having fresh eyes on my issues will help guide me to new treatments and solutions. We’ll see, I’m hopeful.

As far as anything else: I don’t have time for any new projects right now. I am working on getting unpacked and organized at home. The article about Lululemon’s Mirror is upcoming, and I have some video ideas, but nothing I have time to implement. … unfortunately. I miss the platform, but it takes me a while to produce anything.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far! I hope you have a wonderful day!

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