Just feel like sharing some happiness

Hello, how are you?

We are doing good over here. I can’t go out and do the things I want, and as of today, I’m putting my gym membership on hold because I find it discouraging that no one is wearing masks except me, so not only do I not feel welcome, but I also feel like the gym is the weak link in terms of the [limited] activities that I do. BUT apart from that I can’t complain. My husband is still working from home, the baby is growing and pretty chill, for a baby.

The garden is doing really well! I got 4 whole squash 😂 But really though, the carrots look like they’re doing good, but the tomatoes are doing AMAZING! I made some sauce the other day that turned out awesome!

We just literally had to do something with them. There are so many tomatoes, the plants are toppling over under the weight of their own bounty.

Oh! Also: The marigolds are finally coming up! And we finally got a couple of zinnias too!

Been spending lots of time with the baby. She is adorable.

This is how she sleeps. Looks comfy.

Spent yesterday playing MTG Arena and cleaning up around the house since my in-laws helped me with the baby after she had kept me up the previous night between 2 and 6 am.

Usually though, if I have some extra time on my hands, I am working on my book, website, etc… I JUST published my website here: www.beginnerbloggingbasics.com By published, I mean: It is now publicly visible. I am currently working on three different posts. They’ll be done soon! I can’t wait to start publishing!

Anyways, I know this is kind of a quick post, but I wanted to share a little about what is going on in life right now with me.

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