Spring / Summer 2022

Hello! It has been a while! But then again, what is new?

Just wanted to write a little about what is going on with me. Of course. So, last time I wrote I said I was working on a Christmas wreath, so, I’ll put a little picture here. Not very “spring/summer-y” of me, but I haven’t been here in a while and I want to show that I did the thing.

I continued- until just this week- to be in therapy twice a week and have worked through a lot of the stuff about my dad. Finding his medical records and finally understanding everything he was going through was helpful. I am hoping to get access to some other paperwork but I don’t know if I legally can.

I continue to work on myself, even without a therapist, and trying to understand myself and my issues. Right now I am working on being less emotionally sensitive. I can be reactive sometimes and if I understand why, I can probably become better at regulating my emotions.

I want to apply for my American Citizenship soon- but I need to gather all sorts of paperwork- it will be time consuming. I would also like to get Savannah her Canadian citizenship, which is a less strenuous process but the wait time is very long at the moment due to Covid.

I recently started attending grad school, and hope to have my MBA in a couple of years. Grad school is tough, it’s not that the work is hard, specifically, it’s just that it is labour/ time intensive.

I want to talk about how I am feeling, but it’s all just very intense and I think I need to save it for another time. But, I decided to take a break from therapy after going twice a week for over a year now- I know I need some type of help, but if I am not feeling better, I don’t see the value in it. I have decided instead to focus on things that made me happy in the past. Connecting with people, focusing on self-care, trying to keep/ adopt healthy behaviors like eating healthfully, making sure I am taking my vitamins, meditating, and exercising. It’s not easy to keep up with these things when you’re feeling sad, or deflated. But I am pretty good at forcing myself through things, I guess I just got used to that part of life.

I want to put some cute pics of Savannah in here, since, as a mom, I am basically just so proud of her at all times. She is doing so well! I know I have mentioned, if not on here, at least on Twitter that she has a speech delay and she works with a speech pathologist 3x/week. She is getting really good at trying to say things and she has most of her numbers now, one through five and she tries to say eight and can say ten. She says ‘open’ and ‘hippo’ and has ‘pink, purple and blue’ pretty good.

I hope you like them. She is my favorite.

I have a lot to look forward to, despite my general mood. We are all going to Atlanta in August, the flight is only an hour long, so it will be a good “test” to see how Savannah flies. If she does well, I will bring her to Canada next time I visit. If not, we may have to wait until she is a little older. My husband and I are also going to Vegas in August, it will be a hoot. Celebrating ten years. Can you believe it?

Anyways, I just wanted to do a little update. I enjoy writing, and I probably should do it more often. I hope you’re having a beautiful day!

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