How’s Your Winter Going? 🥶

So, now that I live in the South, I’ve become accustomed to certain creature comforts. One of these is a lack of snow and a general above zero temperature threshold. No ice- ever. However, once in a while- like maybe once every 5 years, something like today happens and we are officially iced. Schools are closed. Probably some businesses too but I am staying in so I am not checking for them. A friend of ours up the street has their power out. Whenever trees fall or large branches break off, that happens.

Iced “trees” over our fence from the neighbor’s yard.

Last time this happened I was stuck at home for 3 days. My car does not have snow tires and does not “do” ice. (Well, I am pretty sure it won’t- we never get ice here so I haven’t tried my new-to-me car on the ice at all ever.) I just hope this doesn’t last long. I like being able to go do groceries and get my morning Starbucks. I have no Starbucks and am subsisting on Diet Cherry Coke and Cream of Earl Grey tea from David’s Tea.

Not a whole lot been going on here lately. Father-in-Law got vaccinated because he works in a hospital but my mother-in-law recently retired, so she is not yet vaccinated. We are remaining vigilant. 💪

I am starting my Spring and Easter-related crafts and plan to do another diorama soon! I am already excited! Got some new materials and planning to go shopping for more! I just have so much fun with this stuff. It is something I have always considered myself to be good at- even if I am not. 😆

I am continuing to write. My book has gone from 10K words to 14K in a week. I did 500, then 700, then 1200 one day when she took an epic nap (!) then another 700… etc… I am very proud of myself. One way I have gotten myself to do some extra writing is to tell myself that these things don’t need to be written in the exact order that the book is going to be read. Like I can write chapter 6 even if chapter 3 isn’t done yet and that’s okay. Sometimes I feel like writing about certain things and not about others. Some days I’d rather write about security than SEO. Some days I’d rather be writing a blog post. And that’s okay, as long as I am getting something done. Something is better than nothing!

Keeping track of the little one is harder now that she walks – and she’s pretty fast too! 😂

Anyways, that’s what’s up over here, let me know how your Winter is going in the comments or on Twitter! I am LululemonExpert everywhere.

Just feel like sharing some happiness

Hello, how are you?

We are doing good over here. I can’t go out and do the things I want, and as of today, I’m putting my gym membership on hold because I find it discouraging that no one is wearing masks except me, so not only do I not feel welcome, but I also feel like the gym is the weak link in terms of the [limited] activities that I do. BUT apart from that I can’t complain. My husband is still working from home, the baby is growing and pretty chill, for a baby.

The garden is doing really well! I got 4 whole squash 😂 But really though, the carrots look like they’re doing good, but the tomatoes are doing AMAZING! I made some sauce the other day that turned out awesome!

We just literally had to do something with them. There are so many tomatoes, the plants are toppling over under the weight of their own bounty.

Oh! Also: The marigolds are finally coming up! And we finally got a couple of zinnias too!

Been spending lots of time with the baby. She is adorable.

This is how she sleeps. Looks comfy.

Spent yesterday playing MTG Arena and cleaning up around the house since my in-laws helped me with the baby after she had kept me up the previous night between 2 and 6 am.

Usually though, if I have some extra time on my hands, I am working on my book, website, etc… I JUST published my website here: By published, I mean: It is now publicly visible. I am currently working on three different posts. They’ll be done soon! I can’t wait to start publishing!

Anyways, I know this is kind of a quick post, but I wanted to share a little about what is going on in life right now with me.

Covid-19 #StayHome Day34?

Hey y’all! Days seem to be both running together and dragging on. I genuinely don’t know how long it has been and Math is for Blockers (comment if you know the reference!). I miss going to the gym- way more than I ever thought I would. I miss being able to go grocery shopping without worrying about the health and safety of myself and my family. However, I am adhering to my local government’s guidance and not going out without a face covering and/or just generally not going out at all. I do still go for a walk every day that it is not raining and it has been raining a ton the last few days.

So, I’ve been coming up with creative ways to entertain myself. I did my makeup a couple of times, I put magnetic sticker paper on my cabinet’s wall and magnets on the back of my MAC eyeshadows and now they’re sticking to the wall.

I have been doing my makeup more often and I tried a new look the other day.

I also found some time to film! (Yay!) and seeing as how I am a total masochist, I started a new YouTube channel to share my other favorite new (or old, depending on how you look at it) hobby: Magic: The Gathering. I filmed my first video about the “Fetchlands” Secret Lair product, which was basically a reaction to the price, YouTuber “Unsleeved Media,” and people on Twitter. I’m really excited about it.

I have been playing- apparently a lot?

I also filmed my next Lululemon haul video, featuring basically everything I got since the last haul! I have not yet edited it. I plan to do so as soon as I have a few free hours! Free hours, however, being difficult to come by, I might not get to it for a few days.

Anyways, in addition to decluttering my makeup and t-shirt drawers, I have been spending most of my time with my baby. She is adorable, in my opinion, of course, and she sort of says “hi,” when people walk in the room. It’s funny. It sound like “ah,” but it is an intentional greeting and the closest she comes to saying anything at all. I can’t wait til she starts talking for real!

I hope y’all are taking care of you & yours. Tell me how you’re doing in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter @LululemonExpert , always happy to have a chat!

Covid-19 #StayHome, Day 7

Been a week for us, officially. And Memphis, TN is issuing a “Safer At Home” ???? order for all citizens beginning tomorrow at 6pm.

I think this is a prudent move given that there is proof of community spread. 

It’s almost bedtime, and I’m just enjoying a cup of “Nightly Calm” tea, before I turn in. Today was pretty uneventful. As it should be! I spent the day with my baby, took her for a walk in the stroller, which she loves. Came home, she took a long nap, so I relaxed for a bit and did some journaling. Then, she woke up, ate dinner, then I made a sandwich for my husband and I. He took over and I went out to get a jog in before the sun went down.

Not much goin on, so here’s a cute pic of baby for reasons.  

COVID-19 #StayHome Day 4

Hello friends!

It’s day 4 of my #StayHome journey. Currently enjoying an adult beverage, trying to relax in my sunroom with my doggy.

Just had a late lunch- leftover bean burger- and ate some M&M’s. Watching Meet Kevin on YouTube. I love his & Graham Stephan’s videos.

I have been paying close attention to what is happening in NY and SF and even though there aren’t many cases in my area (10), I am worried about the future. I am trying to take it easy to quell my anxiety, so I’ll move on from that.

The baby is with nana and papa, and the husband is still working – at home, but still getting some stuff done. I took a drive around town today and saw really busy supermarkets and Walmarts. I decided to stay in my car. I could use a few staples, but it’s not worth it, I’ll get milk later. Maybe it won’t be as busy this evening. The bread maker comes in tomorrow, so if I really need bread- I can make some! Very excited for that.

Anyways, I just wanted to check in. How are y’all doing?

COVID-19 #StayHome Day 3

Hello friends! Shannon here, writing to you from the insulated castle that is my home in Memphis, TN.

It is day 3 of my official #StayHome campaign. I am doing everything I can to avoid all unnecessary outings. Yesterday, I did go to therapy as I continue to work on ways to manage my anxiety- which, as I’ve said many times is peaking. This epidemic has me reeling- I hope it is over soon, but I imagine it will go on until at least August, which seems to be what the news is reporting. Hubby is working from home again, and I am sitting with the baby and the dog as I write here.

So, like I said, yesterday I did go to therapy- it was just me & her in the building, I think. It was after 5pm and everything else was closed. I washed my hands before I walked in, used hand sanitizer as I left and then went and washed my hands again once I reached the restroom. I have been trying so hard to practice good hand hygiene and I am doing my absolute best to be especially cautious nowadays.

I haven’t been sleeping very well lately, so she recommended some Melatonin. I will have to try that. I am still working on “feeling my feelings,” and being mindful, living in the moment without worrying unnecessarily about the future- which is basically impossible right now with the virus going around and causing my city being in a State of Emergency since yesterday. My mind is running a mile a minute.

I am proud of myself for keeping up my exercise regime by going for a walk everyday. Yesterday, I walked to my therapy appointment and today, I took a walk around the block with the baby. I’ll probably do it again before the day is done, since “around the block” is only a 15 minute walk or so.

Trying to maintain positive vibes here by watching stand-up. Watched Bert Kreischler’s latest special “Big Boy” this morning, and I’m gonna watch something else fun tonight. Gotta keep my spirits up. Apart from that, I did have to go get an x-ray today- unfortunately, it really couldn’t wait, but I only had to talk to 3 people: two secretaries and the x-ray tech. Plus they assured me that they wiped down the clip boards and the pens before handing them out to patients. I had a super quick and socially distanced visit, imo.

Trying to keep supporting local businesses whenever possible, and ordered Uber Eats from a local midtown burger joint. It’s almost here! I’m having her leave it at the door 🙂 TTYL!

COVID-19 #StayHome Day 2

Hello Internet People!

Today is the second day I’ve committed to staying home. I am making minor exceptions like going for a walk outside, a drive- where I stay in my car(!) or visiting my parents, but not going to any stores, I have cancelled my daily Starbucks habit and I cancelled my doctors’ appointment. It was a follow-up at the heart clinic from last year when I was pregnant and having heart palpitations.

I will be going to therapy tonight- I need her more now than ever. Like I said yesterday, my anxiety is really high. I had avoided the news for the most part two days ago, but then yesterday in the evening, I started watching again. I feel like I slept about the same, but my sleep score was lower, so…. probably not. I am going to try to avoid the news again today and see if that helps. In the meantime, I’ve been watching Corinne Crabtree of Phit n Phat to help me continue my weight loss even though I have been very stressed and ordering in every night. UberEats is offering free delivery, so…. Last night we had Mexican, I got the fajitas, and the night before we had Wendy’s, I had a basic hamburger- no fries.

I have also been listening to a book on managing my anxiety and I’m finding it interesting so far, but not super helpful yet. It’s called “Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life.” The main thing I’ve gotten from it so far is the idea that I need to accept my anxiety and live with it, I guess? I don’t know, I’m only on chapter 2. I guess I just really hope that the advice goes beyond that.

In order to pass the time, I’ve been spending time with my baby, and I try to go for a walk daily. I’ve also been watching comedy shows on Netflix. Stand-up comedy is such a great stress-reliever! So far, I’ve watched Tom Papa, Joe Rogan, and Bret Kreischer. I also started watching the heart-warming documentary-style show called “Babies,” and am loving it. Tell me what other funny or adorable stuff I should watch in the comments.

Alright, that’s all for now, I might write again later tonight, but thank you for reading and share with me your experiences in the comments or link to your blog- I’d love to hear from you!