COVID-19 #StayHome Day 2

Hello Internet People!

Today is the second day I’ve committed to staying home. I am making minor exceptions like going for a walk outside, a drive- where I stay in my car(!) or visiting my parents, but not going to any stores, I have cancelled my daily Starbucks habit and I cancelled my doctors’ appointment. It was a follow-up at the heart clinic from last year when I was pregnant and having heart palpitations.

I will be going to therapy tonight- I need her more now than ever. Like I said yesterday, my anxiety is really high. I had avoided the news for the most part two days ago, but then yesterday in the evening, I started watching again. I feel like I slept about the same, but my sleep score was lower, so…. probably not. I am going to try to avoid the news again today and see if that helps. In the meantime, I’ve been watching Corinne Crabtree of Phit n Phat to help me continue my weight loss even though I have been very stressed and ordering in every night. UberEats is offering free delivery, so…. Last night we had Mexican, I got the fajitas, and the night before we had Wendy’s, I had a basic hamburger- no fries.

I have also been listening to a book on managing my anxiety and I’m finding it interesting so far, but not super helpful yet. It’s called “Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life.” The main thing I’ve gotten from it so far is the idea that I need to accept my anxiety and live with it, I guess? I don’t know, I’m only on chapter 2. I guess I just really hope that the advice goes beyond that.

In order to pass the time, I’ve been spending time with my baby, and I try to go for a walk daily. I’ve also been watching comedy shows on Netflix. Stand-up comedy is such a great stress-reliever! So far, I’ve watched Tom Papa, Joe Rogan, and Bret Kreischer. I also started watching the heart-warming documentary-style show called “Babies,” and am loving it. Tell me what other funny or adorable stuff I should watch in the comments.

Alright, that’s all for now, I might write again later tonight, but thank you for reading and share with me your experiences in the comments or link to your blog- I’d love to hear from you!

Life Update: Where I’ve Been & What I’ve been doing

I guess this whole blog is kind of full of “life updates” from me. It’s basically where I share what’s been going on in my life.

I’ve fallen far behind on my logging my meals on here. It gets tedious, honestly, and I imagine they’re equally as boring to read. My goal was to be as open as possible with how I lose my weight. I feel like I met that goal. The last 15 or so pounds will come off in a similar way with a little more movement. The first thing I’ll say is that I have not given up and I am still losing weight albeit slowly. Last update I wrote here, I weighed 168.5, today I weigh 162.5. This is a 6 pound loss over about 3 months- ish. I had a 6 week plateau in there and I just recently started losing again, but that’s how weight loss works sometimes. I also recently started jogging again and am planning to run a 5k in mid-May, as long as it doesn’t get cancelled.

On to that now. Of course, the Covid-19 virus is affecting me, my family and how we live our day to day lives. My uncle-in-law has cancelled plans to visit his elderly (90 year-old) parents due to a fellow competitor in a tournament sending an email indicating that he had been identified as having Coronavirus, only to discover later that it was a hoax and that the guy just thought it would be ‘funny’ to say that he had it. My in-laws have had to cancel travel, important meetings, etc… My husband is working from home for the foreseeable future. I am dealing with some of the most debilitating anxiety I’ve ever dealt with. It is affecting my everyday life, and my sleep is highly disrupted. I wake up at least once every 2 hours. I am having nocturnal panic attacks. And my day is filled with worrying thoughts. Thoughts about this virus and whether or not I’ll lose someone I love, or if someone in my family will get sick. I keep telling people to stay indoors, but, I feel like some of them aren’t concerned yet. I spoke to my grandparents yesterday, and I just can’t help but to worry about them. Hug the ones you love, my friends.

I know some of you also know that I do YouTube from time to time. I have absolutely not had the time for that. I had really wanted to go on VypLive, my friend @Vyyyper on Twitter’s YouTube channel. But I couldn’t find the time. I’ve been over here getting myself situated to stay indoors for as long as physically possible, as much as possible. Of course, it’s going to be hard, but going for a drive here & there and a jog once every couple of days is what I hope will keep the cabin fever at bay. Another thing: I have decided to focus my YouTube channel on Lululemon, much like my main blog at I hope this improves the audience experience. I have unlisted most of the other content on my channel after receiving complaints about x-type of content only being 2 or 3 of my 80 videos. I don’t want to get into specifics, and I truly did want to have a “variety” type channel,- even though I know it does not work for growth, as that is not my goal- but I also don’t want to disappoint people who discover my channel. So, I will only be making Lululemon-related content, or perhaps just primarily Lululemon related content. To be honest: I’m probably going to make other videos, but not make them “public,” since the actual goal of my channel for myself was to capture my life as well as helping people. And I can capture my life by posting videos but not making them “public.” And I can help people make good purchasing decisions by posting my Lululemon Hauls and collection videos. Or, I can just entertain them- which is also helpful in a way 🙂 I know that was long-winded, but it was actually a really hard decision for me to unlist a lot of my videos. I just decided that people knowing what to expect on my channel was going to be prioritized based on feedback I’ve received.

Anyways, I will be sure to write again soon, Thanks for reading, y’all!

She Has Arrived!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Princess Savannah has arrived!

I am so happy to announce the birth of my baby girl, Savannah! She was 7 pounds 3 ounces and 19 inches in height.

There will be so many pictures of her on here.

It was love at first sight, and even though pregnancy was no piece of cake, as soon as I saw her, I knew it was all worth it. She is a total sweetheart and is very well-tempered. She does keep us up at night, but she is still very young and is never colicky- she always knows what she wants. It’s just a matter of us knowing what she wants, but it’s usually one of two things, lol.

She doesn’t do much yet, she doesn’t even smile or make eye contact yet, but she reacts to our voices and she stops crying when we pick her up. She also has normal baby reflexes, like lifting her arms up randomly while she sleeps. My husband has dubbed this “The Bernie Sanders,” and thinks it’s adorable. My favorite thing that she does is the face she makes when she is trying to latch. It’s the most aggressive/ active thing that she does so I think it’s cute.

The grandparents are in love with her too, and they visit often. They also bring food, which is more than welcome. I recently celebrated my birthday and they’re taking her for the night tomorrow. My husband and I are looking forward to our date night!

That’s what I’ve got for now! Lots more picture to come 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Therapy & Pregnancy Update

Hello friendly internet people,

I so miss writing. I was thinking about getting back to writing my book, which will just be a collection of probably cynical dating advice I wish I had had when I was in my early 20’s, that way, I would not have embarrassed myself so much, but alas, I also don’t feel much like thinking right now, so an update on what is going on in my life is easier- and, I think more important for me to write.

I believe I left off here talking about my father, February/ March being difficult, and starting therapy. I’ll start by saying that I still go once a week and it is helpful. I had three initial goals for therapy one was to process the death of my father in a healthy way, and I think that I was actually mostly able to accomplish that with the help of my friends and family and also I felt a lot better after the funeral when everyone showed up to pay their respects, and I got to deliver the eulogy. I saved my notes, I’ll put them here when I get a chance.

(note: I couldn’t find the notes at the moment, but here is essentially what I said: Thank you for coming, many of you knew my father, some of you didn’t know him at all, but I appreciate you all being here today. What I admire most about my father is how non-judgmental he was. He was your friend, if you would be his friend in return. My father was a very generous man, I can’t tell you the number of times he gave me the last five dollars in his pocket, knowing that I would just spend it on candy. He always wanted the best for me, and I know that when he died, he was comforted knowing that I would be okay. He made sure I knew how important I was to him, and would always say “She’s my only daughter.” My father was a faithful believer in God. My daughter will come to know him through me and he will know her from wherever he is now.)

It was a very emotional day, but everyone was so kind. My grandfather on my mother’s side said some kind words, even though my mom & dad broke up when I was 6. He did get to know him very well, and served as a mediator from time to time. My cousin Scott put a small box of collectibles into the plot with him, my dad loved to collect basically anything and it was a thoughtful gesture on his part. I honestly wish I would have thought of it. My step-grandpa told the story of how he and my dad met, said some kind things, and reminded me that “He loved you very much.” My grandmother said some words, and I could only feel so badly for her because she was burying her second child. My father’s sister could manage no words, and I understood why. It was really hard for me to go in front of everyone and say mine, but they needed to be said, and I felt that it was an important part of the grieving process for me to say them.

My grandmother gave me a few photos of my father, and she also gave me an urn with some of his ashes inside. I was also very happy to learn that she also gave her ex-husband, my grandfather a similar urn, because he had also wanted one. He was unable to make it to the funeral, I know it meant a lot to him- as it does to me.


After the service, we gathered to talk and have a bite at the funeral home. It was very pleasant, and I got to visit with my grandfather, and a good friend of mine, who both came for the funeral from a few hours away and had to leave soon after. Then, my cousins, husband and I got to spend some quality time at the campsite with my cousins. It was so comfy- I even posted this video to Twitter about it. PS: I love Twitter. Come say hi 🙂

I said goodbye to my grandma, and we left the campsite. My trip to Canada was almost over, and I spent my last day visiting an old friend of mine, Sarah, and hanging out downtown. Unfortunately, something did not agree with my stomach, and I got very ill, making me cut my visit short. I think it was the milk- maybe it had soured? I refuse to believe that cake that delicious caused that much abdominal pain. Leave it to my old friend though, she made me feel like I was a #boss even at 6 months pregnant throwing up in a Chapters’ bathroom. Honestly, you should have been there. She kept commenting on how strong I was being. I love her.

My second goal for therapy was to develop some strategies for managing anxiety. My therapist gave me a few- I am currently using one. I really, really want to start meditating, but the idea of doing “nothing” is so foreign to me. And I’m very uncomfortable with it. Really need to get out of that comfort zone. Another thing she suggested was to develop a night time routine. Maybe I should take her up on that… I just find myself doing various things every evening with a small consistency being giving my dog her medication and taking my vitamins…brushing my teeth, then bed? Sometimes… Not much of a routine. The anxiety management technique that I AM using is when I feel anxious, I breathe and ground myself in my reality. I look around the room, count things and colors and describe what is here in my mind. This is distracting enough that it makes me stop worrying for a moment and sometimes I even forget the ridiculous thoughts I was even having. The point is to bring your mind back to reality, instead of worrying about the things that- frankly, especially in my case- are not actually worth worrying over, reason being: worrying will not solve the issues, if, in fact they can even be solved. Sometimes, I blow things out of proportion in my mind.

The third goal I had for therapy was to reconcile the thing that had triggered me when I was back at home in February. I am working on that, but it is a big tangled mess of things that need to be unravelled. I don’t know how long it will take but I’m making plans, and I will confront my fears.

So, I’m over nine months pregnant now. I feel huge. I’m actually proud of my body for holding up so well, considering my condition, but I feel really heavy, and have developed a proper waddle. I’ve shared pregnancy updates on my YouTube channel: June 1 and June 21. I talked about having low Antithrombin 3, being prescribed blood thinners and my doctors being worried about me getting a PE like my father. Being pregnant increases your risk of blood clots and after hearing about my family history and seeing the Edema in my calves/ ankles/ feet, my doctors thought it would be prudent to put me on daily blood thinners.

Right now, we’re talking about my due date and my doctor is thinking about whether she wants to induce me due to my medical issues, and we’re currently talking about scheduling a different date. The fetal medicine specialist also will be switching me over to a twice a day injection, rather than the once a day I’m on now to be safer closer to my due date. That way I won’t be on blood thinners during my birth, reducing potential complications from bleeding. I’m currently 1cm dilated and my cervix is 20% thinned. Normal for my gestation period.

In the meantime, not everything has been so difficult we have been keeping busy with the nursery (tour on my YouTube channel once we get settled) and a few social/ fun things. In one of my recent videos, I showed a bit of footage from our baby shower- Here are a couple of photos:

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Here’s one a friend took of me a few days prior:

Me 21 cute

This one is probably my favorite of all the photos I’ve had taken of me and my pregnant body!

As for the social activities, we have managed to make it to a Train/ Goo Goo Dolls concert, which was AMAZING! One of my favorite songs of all time is sung by the Goo Goo Dolls, called “Iris,” and they played it and it was everything I’d imagined. I danced to it at my wedding and I have fond memories of the song, just in general too. Train also sings some of my favorite pop songs, and I ESPECIALLY like a song called “Meet Virginia.” There’s a lyric that goes “Wears high heels when she exercises, ain’t she beautiful?” And the impracticality of that totally describes me. Now, mind you, I don’t wear high heels when exercising, but I did go on a date once where we drove to Montreal in the winter and I wore OPEN TOED shoes, because they were pretty. Meanwhile, my date was a total gentleman, and although you could definitely tell that he was annoyed, we stopped somewhere to keep warm a while so my red toes could thaw. Have I told you lately how much I enjoy tangents?

Here’s something I filmed on my phone, I’m sure I’ve got a couple more things on my good camera, but I haven’t downloaded them yet- so… this is a little snippet of “Meet Virginia”


We also managed to go see “Matilda” the musical, based on the Roald Dahl book, with music and lyrics by Tim Minchin. I really enjoyed it, the kids in the audience seemed to love it, and the person they got to play Mrs. Trunchbull was absolutely fantastic. Convincing & a really good singing voice! The only note I would make is that if you didn’t know the basic storyline, it might have been hard to follow. But I’ve seen the movie several times, so I was just fine. It mustn’t have been too difficult though, because my husband said he got the basics.

Thankfully, we’ve been able to visit with friends, another thing I’m afraid I’ll be too busy for once the baby arrives. However, I’ve already made plans to go see a show in town with a friend, about 2 months after the baby is born- it is likely to be my first time away from her for a whole evening, but I do need to practice self-care, and my emotional well-being is important too!!!

That’s the most up-to-date info I’ve got, and I did want to write it all down (document it), and also let y’all know if you’re interested to hear!

Thanks for reading/caring/sharing. Let me know what you think in the comments!