She Has Arrived!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Princess Savannah has arrived!

I am so happy to announce the birth of my baby girl, Savannah! She was 7 pounds 3 ounces and 19 inches in height.

There will be so many pictures of her on here.

It was love at first sight, and even though pregnancy was no piece of cake, as soon as I saw her, I knew it was all worth it. She is a total sweetheart and is very well-tempered. She does keep us up at night, but she is still very young and is never colicky- she always knows what she wants. It’s just a matter of us knowing what she wants, but it’s usually one of two things, lol.

She doesn’t do much yet, she doesn’t even smile or make eye contact yet, but she reacts to our voices and she stops crying when we pick her up. She also has normal baby reflexes, like lifting her arms up randomly while she sleeps. My husband has dubbed this “The Bernie Sanders,” and thinks it’s adorable. My favorite thing that she does is the face she makes when she is trying to latch. It’s the most aggressive/ active thing that she does so I think it’s cute.

The grandparents are in love with her too, and they visit often. They also bring food, which is more than welcome. I recently celebrated my birthday and they’re taking her for the night tomorrow. My husband and I are looking forward to our date night!

That’s what I’ve got for now! Lots more picture to come 🙂

Thanks for reading!

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